2014 Hunting Pictures

Very nice deer! Way to go! Those are excellent pictures and beautiful deer!
A couple more of my youngest son with some of his deer.

His first buck, taken during the 2012-2013 season.

From this past season. The lad took this little buck and a doe, inside 30 yards and about 15 minutes apart. We were sitting on the side of a hill when the buck came within 24 yards and grazing straight toward us. The doe was 125-150 yards away and decided to come investigate. At 28 yards, he put her down. Great lesson in patience and positioning for the shot.

Micky80, that boy of yours has taken a couple of nice bucks. Welcome to the site, I am sure you are going to enjoy talking with the people here. There is a ton of knowledge here and most of us are not afraid to express our opinions on just about anything :wink:. Seriously there is a great group of people on this Nolser site.
The photos are fantastic thanks again.

Here are a few pictures from our trip to Texas to help thin out the hog population. We've been going to the same place for the last 14 years and this trip ranked right up there as the most productive.

The final results. 6 hogs (should've had 9 but you can't hit em all) & 1 coyote


Neat pictures, you hammered the hogs. Always enjoy drifting coyotes.
Good job, thank you for the photos. There will be a few hams and some bacon for everyone :wink:!
I never try to miss the opportunity to take out a coyote as they are deer killers :twisted:!

Hello guys, been a while since I posted here.

My first Red Deer ever and not a bad one to start with.


11 points. He was a big animal; I am 100kg and he dwarfed me. One shot about 150m front on, with a 180g Interlock BTSP at an MV around 2780fps from the Zastava 30-06. He dropped where he stood, not one step.

Lots of fighting scars. There were trees everywhere he'd been smashing the crap out of. What a beautiful animal.

Beautiful venison too.
He is indeed a beautiful animal. Congratulations! The '06 delivered for you in spades this time.

My buddy's son with an early season meat bull. More impressing than the bull is the rifle used.

He built it from parts. It was originally an older winchester PF model 70 in 223 that came into the shop with no bolt rendering it essentially worthless.

After repeated cyber scrounging he found a bolt that would work with the action, it had a magnum bolt face. He rethreaded and chambered a rem sps 300 win barrel, got a new follower and spring, converted the bolt stop and feed ramps to 300 winchester, and bedded the stock.

Overall it turned out very well. Now if we can just get him a decent hair cut and a shave there might be some hope of making a man out of him yet!
Congrats to your buddy's son. Looks as if he is making that old Winchester sing a new song. Good job on the meat bull.
His hair will fall out soon enough!

Beaut country. Nice animal. Good job with his rifle.