2015 Hunting Pictures

I shot these with my iPhone 5s. They were 40 yards away for several minutes while I hid behind a bush to see if they had any does. They crossed the washout and stood there for nearly 30 minutes. If only I had a buck tag!


You know what a doe tag is good for? Drying up your tears after you see that! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji12]

It was a cool experience to just sit and observe.
Wyo7200":1pdw1yhv said:
You know what a doe tag is good for? Drying up your tears after you see that! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji12]

That is a true statement!
Wyo- those are some cool pics. It is enjoyable to have experiences like that. The last couple years my wife has taken to "deer watching" with me. She will never pull a trigger (I don't think....) but we sure have enjoyed it. Now, the other part of me is screaming "the things you see when you don't have a tag...!!!" NICE bucks. CL
Thanks Dr. and CL-

I think this will be the last archery hunt I'll make this year. I can feel the arthritis starting to get inflamed and I want to make it out for the beginning of rifle season. Maybe next year! The does have been 100+ yards so far... Too long for a bow but just getting started for the 25-06!

The things we do for our loved ones! My wife disagrees with hunting. Doesn't want any part of it or any animal parts mounted on the walls in the house- she wont even eat the meat either. I respect that and its her right and her mentality. So, although I'd like to go for bucks or bulls, it wouldn't get the same amount appreciation as it would if it was taken by another hunter. I'm stuck... with doe tags.
I had to fight for my wall space originally but thankfully my wife has come around somewhat.

She can have the rest of the house but I get a trophy room!

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Promised my lady many years back that I wouldn't bring home trophies. My head swims with memories and there are a few pictures floating around in various places. She will join me in dining, especially when I do the cooking, and she doesn't complain about me going out on the hunt or engaging in the pursuit of the perfect load. I have few complaints.
Nice pictures of your son and wife Josh with the Silvers. Big Bear, I don't blame you for not getting closer. Nice birds too, the action up North looks great, wish I was there.

Best wishes this season to you and everyone else on here. I saw a nice Bull Elk last week on my property, but my shoulder has been giving me a lot of trouble from an old injury with my Bow, and that makes it hard to use it again with this much pain. I have a long bow or a recurve I could use but that's not my idea of archery for Elk, besides, no let-off like the compound version at 80#.
Well boys I got it done in Saskatchewan!!! 326 3/8" gross!!

My best bull to date.....160 yard shot on a cutline at 3:30 pm opening day in the pouring rain!! Hammered him with my custom built .338 Lapua and 265 Barnes LRX. He went 20 yards and gave up the ghost!!

Our group managed to kill 8 elk in 5 days (1-6x6, 1- 5x5, 3 spikers, and 3 cows)!! Was a bit wore out after that! Quads got their workout....and the knives are dull, but he freezers are full!!


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Congratulations on a great group hunt. That is quite the harvest of elk.
i killed this buck last week on the second day of Utah muzzle loader season. shot at 125 yards after a 3 hour wait on a hot hill side.


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after watching this buck for 2 months. and having some misses during archery season, i found him again during muzzle loader season. i had him at 330 yards opening morning, being too far i waited for a closer shot. not getting it i backed out and glassed some more hoping to catch him bedded. i found him bedded at 11:30 that morning and made another stalk to 82 yards but couldn't get a shot off due to cliffs and the EXTREME angle straight down from me. so i had to back out again. Thursday morning i found him feeding on a hill side at 840 yards. i stalked to 125 yards and had to wait 3 hours for him to stand up. when he finally moved i didnt hesitate and was able to connect and put him down for good! it was fantastic!