2023 Hunting Season

Fallow earlier in the week.


257 Roberts, N150 Powder, 100gr Nosler E-Tip.
Congratulations. I bet that will be great eating. Where did you find the deer?
Today was the opener for the NYS gun season in this part of the state.

I saw this guy (or one like him) chasing a doe about 9:00 AM this morning. He ran across a corner of the property and there was no chance of a shot.

Latter about 2:00 PM I was watching some fawns feeding in the field to the west of me. Suddenly I realized they were looking in my direction, but not directly at me. I carefully swiveled around and found this guy, a couple of does, and a spike. They had already closed half of the distance between the east line fence and me. The buck must have seen my movement and stopped, looking directly at me. I carefully positioned my rifle and found I was rock steady. I considered whether or not I should shoot with a direct frontal shot. Since I have great confidence in the rifle and the load, and I was steady, I decided to go for it. I squeezed the trigger, and he dropped in his tracks. After the fact, I used my range finder to determine the shot was 113 yards.

I used a LH Winchester Model 70 chambered in 7mm WSM. My reload was with Reloder 23 and 150 gr. ABLR.

Beautiful buck, congratulations.
Glad the 7mm WSM is working well for you.

The 7 WSM is pure lightning on deer (and on elk, I might add). Excellent buck, Dan.
Nice Fallow, understand they eat very well. Big fan of the 257 Roberts Though I haven’t tried the Etip in mine.
I have found the Bob with E-Tips good on a couple of body sizes Muntjac deer (up to ~35lbs live weight) to Fallow (~65lb with head off, feet off and guts out which was the size of the doe I shot).

Today was the opener for the NYS gun season in this part of the state.

I saw this guy (or one like him) chasing a doe about 9:00 AM this morning. He ran across a corner of the property and there was no chance of a shot.

Latter about 2:00 PM I was watching some fawns feeding in the field to the west of me. Suddenly I realized they were looking in my direction, but not directly at me. I carefully swiveled around and found this guy, a couple of does, and a spike. They had already closed half of the distance between the east line fence and me. The buck must have seen my movement and stopped, looking directly at me. I carefully positioned my rifle and found I was rock steady. I considered whether or not I should shoot with a direct frontal shot. Since I have great confidence in the rifle and the load, and I was steady, I decided to go for it. I squeezed the trigger, and he dropped in his tracks. After the fact, I used my range finder to determine the shot was 113 yards.

I used a LH Winchester Model 70 chambered in 7mm WSM. My reload was with Reloder 23 and 150 gr. ABLR.

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Cracking deer!
Out again today, this time after Chinese Water Deer. CZ527 in .223 Rem with a Nosler E-tip and Ramshot Exterminator powder.


Soon found this guy from that spot. He came out and was feeding with his back to me. I snuck along the hegde line to about 60-70, put the sticks up and then he turned broadside...


Only a young animal but a cull to reduce numbers was what was in order so fit the bill nicely.


Then I got all artsy with the sunset:


So, to what would you compare the taste or Chinese water deer? They are attractive little creatures.
Well I just got a big old eye roll from Catherine. She has worked in the UK and been trying to get me interested in heading over. I just delivered her morning coffee and suggested we go hunt Muntjac and Fallow and perhaps Chinese water deer in England. Didn’t think a 65 year old could out eye roll a 15 year old Grand daughter but she sure can.
Enjoy seeing your posts from the UK, Thank you for posting.
My daughter Danielle shot this 8 pt that was chasing does with "her" Nosler M21 308 Win and the 168 gr ABLR.
I had the privilege of sitting with her in the blind which can be seen in the background. Love those hunts!



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Congratulations to Danielle for taking a nice 8 pt. with "her" rifle. Looks like the 168 gr. ABLR did its job. Also, congratulations to her mentor and guide for his role in her success.
Congratulations Danielle! And congratulations to her dad for teaching her to enjoy hunting and sharing the special time in the blind with her. Excellent, Jim.