food plots

I'm seeing deer and turkey, here, but I am more than just a tid bit worried about the weather. We've got nothing short of drought, but punctuated by random violent thunderstorms. Where I am the winds aren't too bad, but I know a lot of areas are experiencing crop loss from it. Think I will elect to be a bit more selective on what and how much I harvest this autumn.
The corn is getting better in front of my stand after we received a little rain. This week has been cool , not ideal corn growing weather.
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The beans further out are being mowed on a daily basis by the deer.
I sprayed my beans today. The deer mowers are hitting the beans pretty good

the deer have devoured two of our food plots . yesterday we reseeded these two plots , then we ran the cultipacker over them , and sprayed herbicide . this is our first try doing this . supposedly the seed falls to the dirt , and the previous crop acts as a cover . kind of like straw on fresh planted grass . we'll either be heros or zeros for doing this . stay tuned I'll let you know in a week or so . one thing that should work in our favor is we got a pretty good rain today , and supposed to get about 30 hours of rain Monday night through Tuesday night . I'm thinking this should help get the seed in the dirt , if it's not already in the dirt .

Friday evening I took Carter to the one food plot that is getting hit hard now . we sat in the truck . stayed back to where we could watch the food plot with bino's . we stayed until dark . in that last hour of daylight we saw 21 deer , with 17 of them being bucks . about 8 or 9 of them very nice shooter bucks . it was a happening evening .
Good news Jim, your efforts are paying off!
Our story is similar. Deer are hitting the food plots. We saw 12 bucks in the neighbors hayfield the other night. We are 100 days away from our opening day of rifle season. Like you, we anticipate a good season with some filled tags.

here's a couple pics of our food plots .
the first time we've tried this no plow method . seeded , rolled down , sprayed with herbicide , and next day fertilized .


lots of grass . we got some crappy herbicide . we found some that was considerably cheaper . the old saying holds true , "you get what you pay for ". Sally wasn't in this plot two minutes and came running with a fawn leg .

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we put a pop up blind on this food plot trying to deter the deer a little , if that helped I couldn't tell . they've ate this from knee high , some places waist high , to ankle high in about 10 or 15 days , when they started to hit it hard .

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this no plow was Ed's idea , he said he's been reading of more guys doing this . after we did that Saturday , Sunday I had an article on my home page with a food plot article talking about this . we'll see how it goes , and know for sure , for next year .

here's that article ;

Seed to soil contact is important for good germination , not sure how well your “no-till” seeding will do.
I don't know either . he said he was seeing guys saying of doing it that way , and decided to try it . we'll see how it goes . tomorrow will be one week . like he was saying if it works we can plant buck wheat in the spring , then do this no- till in the fall without getting a bunch of time in it . time will tell if it works for us .
I've got all my food plots cut with the flail mower.
Going to till up some sub plots within 4 food plots and plant a fall mix. My buddy used this the last couple of years and the deer hammer the green food source into December.
The seed consists of turnips, radishes, kale, rape and brassicas.
The soy beans are getting mowed by the deer and the sugar beats are growing. I saw 12 bucks in the neighbors hayfield last week, a few were looking to be pretty nice.



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I have a 40 north of JD338. The lack of rain has been brutal. I carried in. Ton of lime and our Pine Barrens soil sweetened up nicely. PH is close to 6.8-7now. Deer visit regularly I put out clover and chicory. I’m going to have to go after a second round of chicory…so while my plot is thin, the deer are visiting it daily. 86 yr old Father In law took an 8 pt on the plot last fall with his cross bow… buck made it about 150 yards and died next to my stand… no tracking required…he got a doe during muzzle loader. Set up a second food plot this year… not sure it took as my cell camera malfunctioned.. and haven’t been there since May.
I tilled up 3 sub food plots, a late fall/winter mix if you will, yesterday. Seeded today and rolled so it's ready for tomorrow's rain.
The deer were all over the freshly tilled earth last night. They always seem to do that.



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