2015 Hunting Pictures

A testament to your perseverance. Well done sir.

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After chasin them every Friday in September, I finally got my doe on the last day I'd be able to bow hunt. Things truly happen for a reason... She was only 150 yards from my vehicle, much better and closer than where I have been seeing them. She ducked my first shot since my range finder malfunctioned- (it was really user error because I didn't adjust the focus from previous prairie dog hunts so everything was blurry. I kept thinking it would auto focus for some stupid reason....) I over estimated the distance. But she ran towards me, giving me a 30 yard broadside shot. Measuring the first shot on google earth, she was ~45. I over estimated it and was dialed for 60. I think I would have hit her if she didn't duck. The slick trick broadhead demolished the elbow joint on the exiting side on the second shot. First bow season, first bow kill. :).


Anybody have a metal detector I can borrow? Finding an arrow in waste high grass without one seems to be an exercise in futility.
Congratulations! She is definitely a fat doe. She'll provide some excellent table fare for you.
I don't know how my hunting season is going to pan out, so took this buck straight on at 200yards because he was dumm enough to let me walk to a tree to steady up, plus I wanted to give the 150 AB a work out in my 303 British, bullet pic in bullet test section.there was only 10 min of legal time left when I made the shot. I thought he was on edge of bush line, I was wrong he was 15 yards out,so by time I found him where dropped instantly it was getting dark for a phone pic .


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The next day I'd Finnish up with this doe, if you look close you can see entrance hole,exit was thumb size, she ran 60 yards and lights out .


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7.8 inch 3.5 yo Billy from Barnard Glacier with Nosler Patriot in 26 Nosler and 129gr accubonds at 300 yards.

I see this is your first post. Welcome aboard. And what a great post it is. The 26 Nosler is making good things happen for hunters. Any details of the hunt you wish to share would be appreciated. Again, thanks for posting.
90 gr NBT from 6-250 @ 3k from muzzle. Love that bullet in this rifle; buddy shot his first public land deer w/ it and my 10 yo got 2 Texas boar in Jan but this was my first big game animal with it:

What happened next was really awesome. Sheldon and I dropped Andy to get his second doe and watch him from above the field. Andy carefully army crawled across the field, and just as Sheldon said, "Dude they are in another zip code!" The group ran and a doe dropped. The rifle had been a "cursed" 243 (wouldn't hold zero causing lost deer) but rebarreled to 7-08 with a reworked trigger and 120 NBTs pushed by RS-BG it did a fantastic job:

Here is our camp; by taking my car and tent camping we were able to do this for <$300/ea all included! I love being out West!


Congratulations, Eric. A most successful hunt all the way around. You done good!
Nice Eric.
I love car/truck camping combined with hunting. Nice to see that rifle doing a great job.


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The 2015 Meat buck. I was hunting a trail I have cut huge buck tracks on. This guy was standing in the trail at sun up when I came around a corner on day 8 of Oregon's 12 day season.. 125yard free hand neck shot with 125gr Ballistic tips out of my 308. Small 3x3 2015 3x3.jpg
Today was youth only season in WV and at 5PM Brandon shot decent size doe at 110 yds. When he saw it I was going to film it with camera but instead I plugged my ears! :D That 17 inch barrel is just to dang short sitting beside him.. At the shot the doe jumped 5 foot straight in the air and did a back flip. We looked at each other in amazement. Wish I would have filmed it. Ears would stop ring in a few days. Funny thing is I loaded the ammo at 5 PM last night, 257 JDJ Nosler 100 gr Ballistic tip @ 2725 FPS. Could get logged in picture hosting site to post from iPhone so will post pic tomorrow or Monday. Brandon bow hunted in the morning and headed back out while I was skinning the doe. Damage Noselr BT did was AMAZING!

Good looking doe! What caliber is his encore in? I have a 17" 308 barrel on a pro hunter encore reciever that my 12 year old hunts with. I think they make one of the best starter guns out there.

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Congratulations, Brandon! Always a great thing to see younger hunters enjoying success in their hunts.
Brandon shooting 257 JDJ cartridge. Last year was his first year deer hunting and shot two doe with it, 30 yds and 150 yds. After he shot the second deer he said he was liking that gun!
https://youtu.be/BiSpNcfQzKo 14 seconds is the kill shot

This is my daughter Madyson. She started hunting when she was 8. She shoots a Remington Bolt Action 223 topped with a 3x9 Bushnell Banner. Her grandpa and I hand load her rounds which is topped off with a 60 grain Partition. Her first two bucks (not pictured here) first was at 94 yards broad side shoulder which ran about 20 yards and dies, the second was at 168 yards broad side heart shot and ran about 10 yards and died. The picture with her on the left was an incredible 214 yards broad side neck shot and it dropped in his tracks, and for our area this is a monster by the way, her latest buck in the picture of her on the right was this years youth hunt and he was at about 177 yards broad side lung shot and he dropped in his tracks. We as adults usually use big bore guns and heavy bullets to put meat on the table but this little beautiful girl does it with a little 223 60 grain Partition. I have the latest shot on video but it is a little blurry since the zoom don’t work well but I would love for everyone to watch it to see just for themselves what this bullet out of this gun can do. Thank you Nosler for making a premiere bullet. And that you to my dad David for making this all possible.